At CCCC Preschool, full access to ASL (American Sign Language) and English is provided using a bilingual, bicultural approach. The program is play based, family oriented, and uses real life materials and experiences to provide meaningful and interesting learning opportunities for children. The CCCC Preschool operates from 9am – 12pm throughout the regular school year.
Preschool Teacher Nicole Musey
Children who are d/Deaf, Hard of Hearing or who have a connection to the d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities can apply to the program. This includes children who have a parent, sibling or other family member who is d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Consideration can also be given to a d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing child’s peers. Other children who may benefit from the use of sign language are invited to apply. There is no cost for children to attend.
“He’s really improved at home. We’ve noticed a difference at home since he’s been at this program.” Parent of Deaf Child
“Aggression level has come down.” Parent of Deaf child
“A huge difference between a signing preschool and a normal preschool is there’s no pressure for kids to speak or communicate in just one way.” -Deaf parent of a hearing child